resilience at work

Resilience at work: Why it’s important and how to improve it?

When you encounter challenges at work, how do you respond? Resilience refers to the ability to cope with and recover from stress and adversity. Resilient people often see failure as a learning opportunity. Resilience is crucial when dealing with mistakes, challenges and unforeseen circumstances.

So why is resilience important, and how do you improve it?

Why is resilience important at work?

Indeed and Michael Page illustrate how resilience at work is beneficial.

Increased productivity

When employees support each other, productivity increases.

Builds strong relationships

Resilience helps you develop positive relationships with others by reducing conflict. It does this by helping to avoid conflict and managing it when it does arise.

Develops leadership skills

Leaders are often required to demonstrate resilience. For example, they must overcome unexpected circumstances that arise.

Promotes adaptability

By developing resilience, you increase your ability to deal with change.

Reduces burnout

Studies have shown that adopting a resilient approach when facing adversity reduces stress.

Improves job satisfaction

A resilient approach can help increase job satisfaction by reducing stress and anxiety.

Improves communication

Resilient individuals will be more open to receiving feedback and overcoming past conflicts.

Turns challenges into a learning opportunity

A resilient mindset views challenges as an opportunity to learn rather than a setback.


How do you build resilience at work?

Indeed, and Michael Page provide tips to improve your resilience at work.

Reflect on challenges

After managing a challenging situation, think about how you could better deal with the problem next time.

Develop positive habits

Ensure you get enough sleep and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Take regular breaks at work.  Doing so will help you reduce stress.

Work out how to overcome challenges

Focus on the solution rather than the challenge. Brainstorm how you will respond to challenges.

Embrace a positive attitude

Try to maintain a positive attitude at work whenever possible. A positive approach will assist you in overcoming challenges as they arise.

Volunteer to take on additional tasks

Taking yourself out of your comfort zone at work can help build resilience. An excellent way to do this is by volunteering to take on additional duties, which may be challenging or complex.

Be mindful

Mindset is critical to overcoming challenges. Studies have shown that mindful people are more flexible and adaptable. Mindfulness can also reduce the risk of stress and burnout.

Focus on what you can control

Try to avoid focusing on things outside your control. While you may be impacted by other employees’ moods or a noisy office, you can only control your response to these circumstances.

Allow recovery time

While resilience is often associated with soldiering on, when you face a difficult circumstance, you should give yourself time to recover. If you feel mentally drained at work, take an unscheduled break if possible. Doing so will help reduce the risk of burnout.


Be compassionate to yourself and others

Never be too hard on yourself or others. It’s essential to acknowledge when things go well.  Doing so will train your mind to focus on success rather than failure. This is not to say you shouldn’t acknowledge failure, but it should be accepted and learnt from, with disappointment used as motivation.

overcoming challenges at work

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